Pete Boyd
I am a British photographer based in Brighton. I work on my own projects and on commissioned assignments.
My work documents British communities, social groups and subcultures, their codes of behaviour, symbols of belonging, and places they inhabit. I'm interested in people’s struggle for status, identity and space. My photography has included social class, youth culture, masculinity, gender, sexuality, belonging, and addiction. I have also made candid unposed photographs in public places, and portraits from random encounters.
I am currently working on a long-term exploration of queer underground spaces and the people that inhabit them, in and around Brighton. This work uses both photography and film.
Danny Wilson Memorial Award - People's Choice, from Brighton Photo Fringe, for It's Not About Football exhibition, 2018
Brighton Tap Takeover beer mat (Miniclick / The Photocopy Club, 2016). A photograph of mine in an edition of 500 copies, distributed throughout Brighton.
Portrait Salon 2018, a set of 52 prints, each from a different photographer, in playing card format from